Introduction & Welcome

Hi and welcome to your first day at Yoni Steam School! If you’re here, that means you are serious about your future, you want to make a positive impact in your community, and you just aren’t playing small anymore!

My name is Cassaundra Beard, I go by Cassie. I am a Certified Peristeam Facilitator and I’ve been facilitating Yoni Steams consistently for two years. I am also Board Certified as a Holistic Practitioner by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. 

Throughout this course, think of me as your one-on-one instructor that you are having an informative discussion with. I will be sharing personal stories, my experience, examples, and results from Pelvic Steaming.

Here is what you can expect from this course: There are eight modules that include an informational video, some with writing prompts and/or interactive activities, and all are followed by a quiz. At the conclusion of the eight modules, there will a final exam. The activities are created to help you familiarize yourself with the materials and tools you will be using as a Yoni Steam Facilitator. 

I recommend that you print or save the YSS Workbook and take good notes as you move through each module in preparation for the final exam. The final exam includes a multiple choice test, two assignments, and a short essay. The assignments require you to complete a Yoni Steam for yourself and a Yoni Steam for someone other than yourself, so it is good to start thinking about who might be your candidate for a Steam at the end of this course.

When you complete this course, including all quizzes, written activities, and final test tasks, you will be invited to be honored at the Annual Yoni Steam School Virtual Graduation Ceremony! Your Certificate of Completion will also arrive with a YSS Tote Bag, T-Shirt, and Pen! 

By the end of this course, you will have a well-rounded understanding of the benefits and harms of Steam, what Yoni Steaming is, along with its’ benefits, purpose of Yoni Steaming, types, uses, and benefits of Herbs, temperature control, contraindications, myths, and more! You will be able to have educated discussions on the topic, facilitate Yoni Steam sessions for yourself and other women, and be able to select the best herbs for a basic set of common issues that women endure. Note: Additional supporting education and certification is needed in order to create Steam Plans, create Herbal Blends, or make other reproductive recommendations.

So, you are in the right place! You are investing in yourself and gaining knowledge you can use to help others for years to come. The world of Yoni Steaming is a long-standing, but ever growing one. I am confident that you will find the information useful and applicable to your future as a Yoni Steam Facilitator. Have fun with the activities and take your time to retain each lesson. 

Best of Luck & Enjoy!

Introduce yourself to the YSS Community in the comments with your Name, City/State, and share whether you will be opening a business of your own or using Yoni Steaming for personal use. If you’d like, please also share why you chose to be a Yoni Steam Practitioner.

Welcome to the YSS Community and we look forward to meeting you!

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