Excerpt from the Course

[The main purpose of the menstrual cycle is to prepare a woman’s body for the possibility of pregnancy. Miraculously, the menstrual process is completely regulated by hormones. 

Here is how it works: 

  • The ovaries release two of the most important female hormones: Estrogen and Progesterone. 
  • Estrogen is the hormone that sends signals to the uterus to grow the uterine lining that sheds after each cycle and Progesterone is the hormone that sends signals to the body and uterus to help prepare for and support pregnancy. Simply put, Estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle and Progesterone regulates pregnancy.]

By the end of this course, you will have a healthy understanding of the anatomy of the female reproductive system, the menstrual cycle, and the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Example Curriculum

  The Body & Womb
Available in days
days after you enroll

Peer Reviewed by Dr. Tashinea M. Bernadin, DO

Dr. Bernadin earned her medical degree from Philadelphia College Osteopathic Medicine and completed her residency at Gwinnett Medical Center. She received her undergraduate degree in Food and Nutritional Sciences from Florida State University and is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Dr. Bernadin has a special interest in chronic disease management and women's health. Prior to joining Piedmont Physicians Fayette South Dr. Bernadin was with the Strickland Family Medicine Center.

In her spare time, Dr. Bernadin enjoys writing poetry, working with the youth and giving back to the community. She also enjoys spending quality time with her husband and daughter.

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